Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tour of the Ulpan

 Here's a tour of the ulpan area to give you an idea of what it looks like where we live, eat, sleep, study, work, hangout...

 This is the main entrance (if you can call it that) to the ulpan area

 Porch area.  Most of the time there are people sitting here hanging out and talking.  Door on the right goes into the moadon. On the left, up the stairs, are the class rooms.

 Inside the moadon (means club in hebrew).  This is where we eat dinner, use the internet, hang out in the AC.

 Up here are the classrooms and the Ulpan director's office.

 My classroom

If you walk down the stairs from the moadon, there is this open area.  We don't use it too much except for holidays...our Sukkah is there now.

 Keep walking down toward the rooms, past one of our bomb shelters.

 This is one row of rooms. Each one is a different room (bedroom for 2 or 3 roommates and a bathroom).
This is kind of the end of ulpan area.  There's two rows of rooms facing each other and another behind the one of the left.  The pool is behind the right row of rooms. 

1 comment:

  1. Very Nice Place. Do they have guest rooms? If yes book for me....Ok...
