Saturday, January 29, 2011

It's Over...

It really hasn't sunk in yet that the ulpan is over. It was an amazing five months. Things got a little crazy somtimes but there was no other place I would have rather been. I learned a lot, met a lot of great people. Thanks to everyone who made this experience what it was.  It was definitely not what I expected it to be but I wouldn't change any of it.

I decided not to leave Israel right away, which says a lot how much I have enjoyed my time here so far. Here's the plan for the next couple of months...First I'm taking a quick trip to London with a friend from the ulpan. When he goes home to Brazil, I will come back to Israel. Then, Mom comes the next day to hang out and travel for a week. After that, I have some time to stay with friends and travel around Israel before I do Sar-El for three weeks. (Sar-El is a volunteer program on IDF bases.) Then Purim and packing up and heading back by the beginning of April.

Even though I am sad that the ulpan is over, I know there's a lot of people I will still see and there's a lot to look forward to in the next two months.

See you soon, Ramat Yohanan Ulpan 77

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