Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tu B'Shevat, Evan, Preparing for the End

It's been a while and it feels like a lot has been going on. There was a couple times I meant to post something but just never got around to it.

So we had Tu B'Shevat...We took a trip to the Golan Heights. We went to Gamla, which is kind of like the Masada of the north.  I really liked it there, there was a little bit of everything...history, nature, a cool memorial .  Then we went to plant some trees with other olim hadashim (new immigrants to Israel). And then we went to Hamat Gader, a hot spring. I had never been to a real, working hot spring before but I was surprised at how huge it was and how it looked like a giant swimming pool. I imagined it to be more natural feeling.

Then I saw Evan in Tel Aviv. It was great to see him. It was fun to hear about his trip and the parts that he liked the best.  It was a quick visit but i'm really glad he came to Israel and that we were able to meet up.

At the ulpan we have been wrapping things up. We had our last days of work and school. Started to pack and clean up our rooms. Prepare for the test. We've been going through all the motions of finishing the program but it didn't hit me until last night, at our final cemermony, that we are really leaving.  I definitely have mixed feelings about it but it is definitely going to be sad to see everyone go their seperate ways.

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